Video Surveillance

What is the purpose of video surveillance?

The purpose of video surveillance is to monitor and record activity in a specific area for security, safety, or other purposes. Video surveillance can be used for a variety of purposes, including:

  • Crime prevention: Video cameras can help deter crime by monitoring high-risk areas such as banks, ATMs, shopping centers, and public transportation systems.
  • Monitoring safety: Video surveillance can help monitor hazardous areas such as construction sites, chemical plants, and oil refineries, to ensure the safety of workers and the public.
  • Employee monitoring: Employers may use video surveillance to monitor the performance and productivity of employees, as well as to prevent theft and other forms of misconduct in the workplace.
  • Traffic management: Video cameras can be used to monitor traffic flow and help with traffic control, reducing congestion and improving road safety.
  • Marketing and customer behavior: Retailers may use video cameras to monitor customer behavior and improve their marketing efforts.
In summary, video surveillance serves to enhance security and facilitate better decision-making across multiple sectors.

While early CCTV setups depended on human monitoring, they have since grown too intricate and documentation-heavy to be practical for smaller setups like home offices. Though some Chinese vendors have tried to offer their own cloud-based solutions, these often suffer from unfriendly interfaces and sluggish performance. Additionally, they require specific browser settings and plug-ins, making them less accessible for a broader audience.

The amalgamation of artificial intelligence with peer-to-peer (P2P) technologies paves the way for a more streamlined and cost-effective surveillance system. This approach simplifies the setup, eradicating the need for expertise in communication protocols or special configurations. It also obviates the need for a third-party cloud provider for video relay and processing. In this model, the server merely acts as a facilitator, linking the IP camera directly to the user's device for a direct video feed accessible on both computers and mobile gadgets.

For businesses aiming to protect their assets and deter criminal activities like theft or vandalism, implementing a video surveillance system can be extremely beneficial. Even the mere presence of cameras can often serve as a deterrent against unlawful activities.

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